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Wondering about travelling to Colombo? Here’s a chart with a breakdown comparison of the Cost of Living in Colombo vs Malé (Maldives).


In a nutshell, Maldives appears more expensive than Colombo in terms of real estate with a 2 bedroom house/apartment costing about 5 times more in Malé than Colombo to rent.

Compares: Homes & Apartments

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Cost of Living: Colombo vs Malé

Compares: Homes, Apartments

Comparison of Cost of Living: Colombo vs Malé

Item Avg. Cost [Malé] Range [Malé] Avg. Cost [Colombo] Range [Colombo]
1 Bedroom Apartment/House to Rent per Month 12 vs 17 14,948 MVR 9,000 - 30,000 MVR
54,059 LKR 22,000 - 125,000 LKR
2 Bedroom Apartment/House to Rent per Month 19 vs 38 16,868 MVR 7,000 - 28,000 MVR
62,026 LKR 35,000 - 125,000 LKR
3 Bedroom Apartment/House to Rent per Month 25 vs 40 24,756 MVR 18,000 - 36,000 MVR
109,250 LKR 42,000 - 300,000 LKR
4 Bedroom Apartment/House to Rent per Month 1 vs 85 39,999 MVR 39,999 - 39,999 MVR
174,911 LKR 21,000 - 1,614,000 LKR
Last Update Fetched: 2024-03-29 Last Update Fetched: 2024-04-01

About Colombo (Sri Lanka)

Although popularly thought to be the capital city of Sri Lanka, Colombo is in fact better classified as the commercial capital, while the capital being Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte. Colombo sports a vibrant, diverse community of people speaking over the primary 3 tongues of Sinhala, Tamil, and English.

Inside Greater Colombo are several suburbs with the cost of real estate significantly varying, while the basic essential commodities in the category of Food & Drink is standard most of the way, aside from the prices at brand-led restaurants. Read more about Colombo?

About Malé (Maldives)

About 1 hour and 25 minutes by air from Colombo, lies Malé, the Maldivian capital city. The Maldives, known for it's sparkling, picture perfect waters, is a popular, sought-after destination for holidaymakers.

The cost of real estate in Malé is considerably higher than Colombo.

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