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Planning to move or travel to Colombo? Here’s a chart with a breakdown comparison of the Cost of Living in Colombo vs Canberra (Australia).


To put it very briefly, as per current records, Canberra appears to be about 8.25 times more expensive than Colombo to rent a 1 bedroom house/apartment per month.

Compares: Homes & Apartments

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Cost of Living: Colombo vs Australia

Cost of Living: Colombo vs Canberra

Compares: Homes, Apartments

Comparison of Cost of Living: Colombo vs Canberra

Item Avg. Cost [Canberra - Greater Region] Range [Canberra - Greater Region] Avg. Cost [Colombo] Range [Colombo]
1 Bedroom Apartment/House to Rent per Month 37 vs 17 2,276 AUD 1,661 - 3,188 AUD
54,059 LKR 22,000 - 125,000 LKR
Last Update Fetched: 2024-04-01 Last Update Fetched: 2024-04-01

About Colombo (Sri Lanka)

About 4650 nautical miles from Canberra, lies the commercial capital of Sri Lanka: Colombo.

A city that is said to feature the Indian Oceans largest and busiest port, the Port of Colombo; For a first time visitor into the heart of the commercial capital, the experience can both seem fascinating, and intriguing.

From the buzzing and fast paced market of Pettah to perhaps the more upscale, and competitively expensive neighbourhood of Colpetty (Kollupitiya), the contrasting vibes can perhaps inspire tales.

Although simply referred to as Colombo, the city, similar to the Greater Region of Canberra in Australia, is divided into several suburbs or neighbourhoods, which include the two: Pettah, and Kollupitya.

Greater Colombo's cost of living is cheaper than Canberra's. With a 1 bedroom house/apartment costing about 8.25x more in Canberra than in Colombo - as per the latest analysed records.

And as per the analysed records, like Canberra, certain localities within the suburbs of Colombo away from the city centre, can entertain lower prices for real estate.

Love to read more about Colombo? Try this: One of Sri Lanka's Hubs for Business

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