How to Increase the Value of Your Property Before Selling in Sri Lanka

So, you’ve decided to sell your property. Maybe you’re moving up in the world, maybe you’re cashing out, or maybe you’ve just realized you really don’t need four bedrooms for a family of two. Either way, you want to get the best possible price. The good news? You don’t need to spend a fortune on renovations. A few small changes can do a lot more than you’d expect.

Here are some low-effort tricks to squeeze a bit more value out of your place.

1. First Impressions: Still a Thing

This is the part where everyone rolls their eyes and says, “Yeah, yeah, curb appeal.” But here’s the thing: it works. The front gate, the driveway, the first thing buyers see when they pull up – this stuff really matters.

Buyers might decide whether they like your place before they even walk in. Sweep the driveway. Trim the plants. A potted palm tree wouldn’t hurt. It’s not rocket science – it’s just making sure your house shows up looking like someone made an effort to keep it beautiful.

2. Paint: Cheap, Easy, and Weirdly Effective

Here’s a fun fact: paint is basically a quick plus point. One weekend and a few gallons of white/off-white could make your home look newer, cleaner, and brighter. Stick with neutral tones – maybe a “bold” purple feature wall might be a not so good idea

If painting the whole house feels like too much work, focus on key areas like the entrance or main living room. It’s not that no one’s going to care about the colour of the pantry walls. So if possible, then don’t leave out the pantry, and and.

3. Fix the Small Stuff Before They Notice

Loose door handles. Flickering light bulbs. A tap that drips just enough to annoy. All those tiny, annoying things you’ve been ignoring? Buyers will likely not ignore. These little issues can send a message – one you don’t want to send – that bigger problems might be lurking.

Most of these fixes can be easy and cheap, and you could probably knock them out in an afternoon. If the front door squeaks like a haunted house, that’s 5 minutes with a can of WD-40. Do it.

4. Plants: Yes!

In Sri Lanka, there are loads of people who love a bit of greenery. If you’ve got a balcony or garden, make sure it looks inviting. A few well-placed potted plants can turn a plain space into something buyers want to spend time in. Let them imagine! Maybe some waterproof outdoor furniture as well.

And yes, if you don’t have time to water the plants, maybe consider a simple automated watering system. That extra convenience could make the buyer fall more in love and sold on the convenience.

5. Declutter and Depersonalize

This one’s simple: less can be so much more. You want buyers to imagine themselves living in your space, and that’s hard to do if every surface is covered with medals and a cabinet of ceramic tea cups.

Clear out the clutter, box up the personal stuff, and leave just enough furniture to show the space is functional. Think of it like staging a photoshoot – except you’re selling a house, not promoting a minimalist latte art.

6. Kitchen and Bathroom: Small Tweaks, Big Impact

Look, no one’s asking you to gut your kitchen. But a little sprucing up goes a long way. Swapping out old cabinet handles or installing a new faucet can make the space feel more modern.

It’s the same deal with bathrooms: fix the leaky tap, change the showerhead, maybe add a new mirror if you’re feeling fancy. Buyers love these spaces, and even tiny improvements can sometimes leave a big big impression.

7. Energy Efficiency

Solar panels? LED lights? Energy-efficient fans? If you’ve got these, mention them. With fuel and energy prices the way they are, buyers will appreciate anything that keeps the electricity bill from skyrocketing. It’s like giving them a hidden bonus – except, you know, it’s not hidden.

8. Stage It – But Don’t Go Overboard

Staging can be a bit of a game-changer, but it doesn’t mean you need to hire a design consultant – although if you could, great idea. Move some furniture around to show off the space, maybe lay out a nice rug, and put a vase with flowers on the dining table.

Think of it like putting on a nice shirt for a Zoom call – you don’t need the whole suit, but you still want to look good. At least upside.

9. Photos Matter – A Lot

Finally, let’s talk marketing. Good photos are non-negotiable. If the only camera you’ve got is your phone, that’s fine – just make sure you’ve got decent lighting and a steady hand. And get your property listed on every platform you can. Started by listing on PropertyInLanka.

Because here’s the thing: if people don’t know your place is for sale, how’s it going to reach prospective buyers?

Wrapping It All Up

At the end of the day, there’s many little things that count. You don’t need to spend a bags of cash to increase your property’s value – just focus on cleaning it up, fixing the obvious stuff, and making it look inviting.

And remember: selling property sometimes can be unpredictable. If things aren’t going the way you expected, take a step back maybe, adjust your expectations, and try again. Sometimes, a small change makes a big difference.

Wishing you the best, and that your next buyer is the kind who doesn’t ask for a discount.

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