32+ Modern Tree-house Concepts in a Tea Garden (Plantation)

Tree-houses are just so romantic. They’re splendid, and memorable, and can have an atmosphere of love, laughter, and adventure. But what about a modern tree-house overlooking a beautiful field of tea! Here are over 32 modern tree-house concepts located in a tea garden or tea plantation.

Here’s your home, away from home. So sit back with your freshly brewed cup of delicious tea, and browse through to your hearts content. This could just be your next adventure calling. …tree-houses, hot delicious tea, cool mountain air, books and tales to tell…

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Is it time yet to book your next tree-house adventure? Say yes. Visit Sri Lanka’s beautiful tea plantations and although we can’t promise you an adventure in a tree-house, we sure can tell you that Sri Lanka’s tea plantations are a sight to sip.. along with a delicious cup of tea…..

Book an adventure in Sri Lanka

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